Beauty unites.
Yes, it’s been a while, but let’s keep the memory of work well done.
Archival recording release on SoundCloud, World Youth Day Krakow, Byzantine chant-based music sung at Mercy Center Tauron Arena - conducted and edited by Christopher Mueller • Saturday, September 10, 2016
Bishop James Conley publishes an article about the liturgies at World Youth Day: Beauty Gives Way to Contemplation in Zenit News and refers to World Youth Day Krakow as a historic moment because of the music at weekday Mass in the Mercy Center - Tauron Arena • Thursday, August 18, 2016
Fr. David Friel publishes an article A Different Kind of World Youth Day in Corpus Christi Watershed commenting on the beauty of the liturgy and Christopher Mueller as co-director, conductor and choirmaster • Sunday, August 7, 2016
Morning Mass followed by a recording session with the World Youth Day choir & orchestra at St. Giles Church, Kraków, Poland • Saturday, July 30, 2016
First international youth meeting to promote polyphony and chant at Mercy Center Tauron Arena- Krakow, Poland during World Youth Day week, after 11:00 a.m. daily Mass (7 countries represented from 4 continents, 26 youth attended) • Friday, July 29, 2016
Morning Mass World Youth Day at the English speaking site Mercy Center, made possible by the Knights of Columbus, large arena Tauron Arena Krakow, Poland to approximately 18,000 youth and families from around the world who joined in song during the ordinary of the Masses- WYD choir & orchestra conducted by Christopher Mueller (featuring polyphony and Byzantine style chant: Allegri, Frisina, Carmelite plainsong, Gouzes, Sykulski, Haller, Gregorian chant, Bebenek, Knapp, Mueller, Misko) • Friday, July 29, 2016
Morning Mass World Youth Day at the English speaking site Mercy Center, made possible by the Knights of Columbus, large arena Tauron Arena Krakow, Poland to approximately 18,000 youth and families from around the world who joined in song during the ordinary of the Masses- WYD choir & orchestra conducted by Christopher Mueller (featuring polyphony and Byzantine style chant: Hassler, Gouzes, Sykulski, Gethsemane, Gregorian chant, Dominican chant, Bebenek, Palka) • Thursday, July 28, 2016
concert for World Youth Day afternoon event- the Mueller Family Schola - a polyphony and chant concert at a beautiful Dominican Church called Kościół Matki Boskiej Śnieżnej -Our Lady of the Snows (featuring Byzantine chant, Gregorian plainsong, the Kontakion, and polyphonic motets by Różycki, Isaac, Lobo, Tartini, Ravanello, Handl, Palestrina, Tallis, Lawrence and Mueller) • Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Morning Mass World Youth Day at the English speaking site Mercy Center, made possible by the Knights of Columbus, large arena Tauron Arena Krakow, Poland to approximately 18,000 youth and families from around the world who joined in song during the ordinary of the Masses- WYD choir & orchestra conducted by Christopher Mueller (featuring polyphony and Byzantine style chant: Palestrina, Sykulski, Langlois, Gregorian chant, Dominican chant, Stuligrosz, Bebenek, Costa, Inwood, Mueller) • Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Evening concert for World Youth Day events- Church of St. John the Baptist (Kościół św. Jana Chrzciciela), Kraków -Mueller Family Schola (featuring Byzantine chant, Gregorian plainsong, the Kontakion, and polyphonic motets by Różycki, Isaac, Lobo, Tartini, Ravanello, Handl, Palestrina, Tallis, Lawrence and Mueller) The audience replied with a Polish song to Mary in order to bless our mission • Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Morning Mass World Youth Day (small arena) at Mercy Center Tauron Arena Kraków, a special liturgy for Knights of Columbus volunteers -WYD choir & orchestra- (featuring Byzantine-style chant in the Dominican style of Andrez Gouze) • Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Morning Mass and Lauds in the Chapel of the Vincentian Retreat Center in Krzeszowice, Poland - World Youth Day choir & orchestra- where the congregation was made up of singers and the Mass was sung from the pews (featuring Byzantine-type chant by Andre Gouze) • July 25, 2016
Sunday Mass in the Chapel of the Vincentian Retreat Center in Krzeszowice, Poland (Misjonarski Ośrodek Formacyjny Vincentinum) - World Youth Day choir & orchestra- where the congregation was made up of singers and the Mass was sung from the pews (featuring Byzantine-type chant by Andre Gouze) • July 24, 2016
The Tennessee Register, the newspaper of the Diocese of Nashville, profiles Christopher Mueller in the article Nashville Native to bring traditional music to World Youth Day • July 15, 2016
Our Kickstarter campaign, to bring polyphony and chant to the Masses of World Youth Day (this summer in Krakow, Poland) is fully funded! We are extremely grateful to 124 donors from 17 countries for their generosity. We'd also like to thank those who promoted our campaign on social media and the internet, including Regina Magazine • Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review • Diana von Glahn at The Faithful Traveler • Leila Lawler at Like Mother, Like Daughter • Paul Chu at the Fairfield County Catholic • May 9, 2016
Fairfield County Catholic, the newspaper of the Diocese of Bridgeport, features an article on polyphony, plus the work of Christopher Mueller & the Mueller Family Schola at the upcoming World Youth Day • May 4, 2016
Trent Beattie interviews Christopher Mueller as part of an article published by the National Catholic Register entitled, "Rekindling the Multifaceted Marvel of Polyphony and the Timelessness of Sacred Music”: the piece discusses the work of this foundation and the upcoming Masses of World Youth Day • April 13, 2016
Launch of Kickstarter campaign to fund the inclusion of chant and polyphony at World Youth Day this summer in Krakow, Poland: Christopher Mueller will conduct multiple Masses and the Mueller Family Schola will give a concert • April 11, 2016