Beauty honors.
On behalf of all the congregation, the Mueller Family sings the Masses of Palm Sunday, the Triduum and Holy Week, during the pandemic. The Mass was streamed live on Facebook. It was a humbling experience to serve The Lord in an empty church! St. Louis Bertrand Catholic Church, Louisville, KY • Spring 2020
Mueller Family Trio sings a 13th Century Marian polyphonic motet at the Pueri Cantores Festival in Washington D.C. as a prelude to the Mass sung by children's choirs from the Archdioceses of Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington, and Dioceses of Arlington, Richmond, and Wilmington. St. Patrick Catholic Church, Washington D.C. • Apr 28, 2018
V Hispanic Encuentro of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Mass of Sending: Vigil Mass celebrated by the Most Reverend Bishop Frank Caggiano and featuring a Gregorian chant Mass setting in Spanish and sacred polyphony composed in the 16th century at the Cathedral of Mexico City: sung by young students of the Catholic Academy of Stamford, Hispanic volunteers from St. Mary Church of Stamford, CT, the Mueller family schola - Viki Crilly-Herrera, soprano, Bruce Crilly, tenor, Sam Schmitt, baritone/organist and Christopher Mueller, conductor • February 22, 2018
Mass of Sending: Mission and Going Forth for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL, featuring Gregorian plainsong in Latin, Byzantine-style chant in English, and Renaissance polyphony by la Rue - Christopher Mueller conducts the choir and orchestra, comprising of young singers from around the country and local instrumentalists • July 4, 2017
Morning prayer for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL - Christopher Mueller & Catherine Fishlock cantor, employing simple psalm tones • July 4, 2017
Fortnight Mass: Witness and Celebration for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL, featuring Gregorian plainsong in Latin, Byzantine-style chant in English, and Renaissance polyphony by de Brito - Christopher Mueller conducts the choir and orchestra, comprising of young singers from around the country and local instrumentalists • July 3, 2017
Eucharistic Procession for the Convocation of Catholic Leaders USCCB at the Orange County Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL - Christopher Mueller leads the choir, as the singers spread themselves throughout the processing faithful, utilizing bluetooth earpieces and internet-based conference-call technology to sing together as one • July 3, 2017
Sunday Mass: Mercy and Renewal for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL, featuring Gregorian plainsong in Latin, Byzantine-style chant in English, and Renaissance polyphony by Allegri - Christopher Mueller conducts the choir and orchestra, comprising of young singers from around the country and local instrumentalists • July 2, 2017
Morning prayer for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL - Christopher Mueller & Catherine Fishlock cantor, employing simple psalm tones • July 2, 2017
Opening Mass: Unity, Joy and Discernment for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL, featuring Gregorian plainsong in Latin, Byzantine-style chant in English, and Renaissance polyphony by Palestrina - Christopher Mueller conducts the choir and orchestra, comprising of young singers from around the country and local instrumentalists • July 1, 2017
Mass of the Feast of Corpus Christi, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Casciolini, Molfino and Gregorian chant • June 18, 2017
Mass of the Feast of Pentecost, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Langston, Asola and Ravanello • June 4, 2017
Masses of the Triduum -Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Allegri, Gregorian chant (in Latin and in English translation), Handl, Isaac, Lawrence, Lobo, Molfino, Monteverdi, Palestrina • April 13-16, 2017
Solemn Lauds, to open the National Conference "Gregorian Chant in Pastoral Ministry and Religious Education", St. Joseph Seminary (Dunwoodie) in Yonkers, NY: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Victoria and Gregorian chant • Friday, March 10, 2017
Masses of Ash Wednesday, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Croce and Gregorian chant • March 1, 2017
Solemnity of the Epiphany, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Sumsion • January 8, 2017
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Monteverdi, Bebenek and Gregorian chant • January 1, 2017
Mass of Christmas Day, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Victoria and anonymous motets • December 25, 2016
Vigil Mass of Christmas, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Victoria and anonymous motets • December 24, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Advent, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings • December 18, 2016
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Monteverdi • December 12, 2016
Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Handl • December 8, 2016
Mass in the Solemnity of Christ the King, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Palestrina and Victoria • November 20, 2016
Masses of All Saints Day, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring motets by Rozycki and Russian Orthodox Chant • Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Morning Mass at the altar of Pope St. Fabian, martyr, Basilica at the Catacombs of St. Sebastian, Rome, Italy (Catacombe San Sebastiano) - Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony and chant • Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Evening Vespers & Compline at the General House of the Cistercian Order (Casa Generalizia Dell'Ordine Cistercense), Rome, Italy - Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony • Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Votive Mass for St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, martyr at the Seraphicum Chapel, Friary of the Militia Immaculata, Rome, Italy - Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony and chant • Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Morning Mass at the altar of St. Gregory the Great, at St. Peter's Basilica (San Pietro in Vaticana), Rome, Italy - Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony and chant • Monday, August 8, 2016
Afternoon Mass at the Cesi Chapel, at the Basilica of St. Mary Major (Santa Maria Maggiore), Rome, Italy - Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony and chant • Sunday, August 7, 2016
Votive Mass for St. Maximilian Kolbe, martyr and veneration of his relics at the Old Chapel, Niepokalanów Monastery, Teresin, Poland- Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony and chant • Friday, August 5, 2016
Morning Mass at the altar of St. Paul the Hermit, Jasna Góra Monastery, Częstochowa, Poland - Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony and chant • Thursday, August 4, 2016
Morning Mass at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi (Kościół św. Franciszka z Asyżu), Kraków, Poland- Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony and chant • Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Morning Mass at the Old Chapel of the Divine Mercy Shrine (Sanktuarium Bozego Milosierdzia), Lagiewniki, Kraków, Poland - Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony • Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Morning Mass followed by a recording session with the World Youth Day choir & orchestra at St. Giles Church, Kraków, Poland • Saturday, July 30, 2016
Morning Mass World Youth Day at the English speaking site Mercy Center, made possible by the Knights of Columbus, large arena Tauron Arena Krakow, Poland to approximately 18,000 youth and families from around the world who joined in song during the ordinary of the Masses- WYD choir & orchestra conducted by Christopher Mueller (featuring polyphony and Byzantine style chant: Allegri, Frisina, Carmelite plainsong, Gouzes, Sykulski, Haller, Gregorian chant, Bebenek, Knapp, Mueller, Misko) • Friday, July 29, 2016
Morning Mass World Youth Day at the English speaking site Mercy Center, made possible by the Knights of Columbus, large arena Tauron Arena Krakow, Poland to approximately 18,000 youth and families from around the world who joined in song during the ordinary of the Masses- WYD choir & orchestra conducted by Christopher Mueller (featuring polyphony and Byzantine style chant: Hassler, Gouzes, Sykulski, Gethsemane, Gregorian chant, Dominican chant, Bebenek, Palka) • Thursday, July 28, 2016
Morning Mass World Youth Day at the English speaking site Mercy Center, made possible by the Knights of Columbus, large arena Tauron Arena Krakow, Poland to approximately 18,000 youth and families from around the world who joined in song during the ordinary of the Masses- WYD choir & orchestra conducted by Christopher Mueller (featuring polyphony and Byzantine style chant: Palestrina, Sykulski, Langlois, Gregorian chant, Dominican chant, Stuligrosz, Bebenek, Costa, Inwood, Mueller) • Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Morning Mass World Youth Day (small arena) at Mercy Center Tauron Arena Kraków, a special liturgy for Knights of Columbus volunteers -WYD choir & orchestra- (featuring Byzantine-style chant in the Dominican style of Andrez Gouze) • Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Morning Mass and Lauds in the Chapel of the Vincentian Retreat Center in Krzeszowice, Poland - World Youth Day choir & orchestra- where the congregation was made up of singers and the Mass was sung from the pews (featuring Byzantine-type chant by Andre Gouze) • July 25, 2016
Sunday Mass in the Chapel of the Vincentian Retreat Center in Krzeszowice, Poland (Misjonarski Ośrodek Formacyjny Vincentinum) - World Youth Day choir & orchestra- where the congregation was made up of singers and the Mass was sung from the pews (featuring Byzantine-type chant by Andre Gouze) • July 24, 2016
Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving for the 25th Anniversary of the Sisters of Life at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City: Christopher Mueller conducting an ensemble comprised of the Sisters of Life Schola and friends • June 1, 2016
Masses of Ascension Thursday, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring works by Palestrina and Isaac • May 5, 2016
The annual Gala Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, for & with the Sisters of Life • April 22, 2016
A special Mass in honor of the arrival of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, traveling the world on the 100th anniversary of the apparitions in Fatima, Portugal, held at Saint Mary Parish, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring works by M. Praetorius and J. Handl • April 16, 2016
Masses of Easter Sunday, Saint Mary Parish, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring works by Ravanello and Molfino • March 27, 2016
Holy Thursday Mass and Eucharistic procession, St. Mary’s Church, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring works by Lawrence, Mueller, and Tartini • March 24, 2016
Laetare Sunday, St. Augustine’s Church, North Branford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring works by Isaac and Lobo • March 6, 2016
Solemn Mass, St. Mary's Church in Chinatown, Washington, D.C., following the March for Life: the Mueller Family Schola joins the choir of the Church of the Holy Innocents (NYC), featuring music of Hassler, Victoria, Molfino, Stopford, and Biebl • January 22, 2016
Mass of Christmas Day, Cathedral Parish of St. Augustine, Bridgeport, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring works by Victoria and Praetorius • December 25, 2015
Solemnity of Christ the King, Cathedral Parish of St. Augustine, Bridgeport, CT: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring works by Palestrina and Victoria • November 22, 2015
Knights of Columbus Annual Mass & Company Picnic: featuring the Mueller Family Schola • September 13, 2015