Beauty reaches every soul.
10,000 views reached on facebook live event, Mueller Family Schola sings music of Holy Week and Easter for the cameras, invited by the Archdiocese of Louisville KY during the Covid19 Quarantine • April 29, 2020
Gregorian chant sung by a men's quartet at The Mansion on O Street, Washington, D.C. for the Festival of Science and Religion run by the Arizona State University Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes • June 15, 2018
Concert for Life: a fundraiser for Good Counsel Homes: Megan Weston and Michael Fennelly giving a magnificent great opera and piano concert, the Mueller Family Schola singing Christmas and Marian selections of French polyphonists, also playing some Christmas music on flute, clarinet, french horn, trombone and bongos - Stony Point, NY • Dec 9, 2017
Android app released for • Dec 7, 2017
#GivingTuesday campaign on Facebook for the launch of, our new online radio station • Nov 28, 2017
The Mueller Family Schola and Children's Trio sing Palestrina, Tallis, 13th and 14th Century anonymous polyphony from France at First Alliance Church in Silver Spring, MD • Nov 7, 2017
Trio Triumvirum sings 13th Century polyphony at the Connecticut Catholic Men's Conference. Guest speakers were The Most Reverend Bishop Frank Caggiano, Raymond Arroyo, Tim Staples, Fr. Glen Sudano, CFR, James Wahlberg - Bristol, CT • Oct 21, 2017
Mueller Family Schola and Children's Trio sing Palestrina, Victoria and 13th Century anonymous polyphony from France at St. Bernadette Fall Festival in Silver Spring, MD • Oct 1, 2017
Scores giveaway at the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders. Our non-profit and Polish Dominican Inc. gave free scores of the music sung at all 7 liturgies of the Convocation- Orlando, FL • July 1-4, 2017
Seventh youth videoconference on the Ascension of the Lord: connecting young people via our Mustard Seeds program, that they'll promote and pray for the use of polyphony and chant at Mass • Thursday, May 25, 2017
Mueller Family Schola sings two polyphonic pieces at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Shrub Oak, NY featuring Palestrina and Victoria • May 1, 2017
Sixth youth videoconference on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary: connecting young people via our Mustard Seeds program, that they'll promote and pray for the use of polyphony and chant at Mass • Monday, March 20, 2017
Fifth youth videoconference on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul: connecting young people via our Mustard Seeds program, that they'll promote and pray for the use of polyphony and chant at Mass • Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Concert for Life at the Marian Shrine in Stony Point, NY, to benefit mothers and babies of Good Counsel's Spring Valley Home, a Crisis Pregnancy Center - the Mueller Family men sing Gregorian Chant, Isaac and 13th century anonymous polyphony • Saturday, December 3, 2016
Fourth youth videoconference on the Feast of Christ The King: connecting young people via our Mustard Seeds program, that they'll promote and pray for the use of polyphony and chant at Mass. (featuring youth video) • Sunday, November 20, 2016
Afternoon mini-concert for youth with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in the Bronx, NY - Mueller Family men sing Lobo, Victoria, a 13th century polyphonic piece and solemn tone chant • Saturday, November 19, 2016
Morning mini-concert for a music appreciation class at Christ the Redeemer Church, Southbury CT - Mueller Family Schola sings a 13th century polyphonic piece, Tallis and Gregorian chant • Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Third youth videoconference, run by youth on the Feast of The Archangels: connecting young people via our Mustard Seeds program, that they'll promote and pray for the use of polyphony and chant at Mass. (featuring this World Youth Day Mass) • Thursday, September 29, 2016
Impromptu afternoon concert for the Dominicans of Our Lady of the Assumption (Bazylika Sanktuarium Matki Bożej), Gidle, Poland - Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony • Thursday, August 4, 2016
Morning Mass followed by a recording session with the World Youth Day choir & orchestra at St. Giles Church, Kraków, Poland • Saturday, July 30, 2016
First international youth meeting to promote polyphony and chant at Mercy Center Tauron Arena- Krakow, Poland during World Youth Day week, after 11:00 a.m. daily Mass (7 countries represented from 4 continents, 26 youth attended) • Friday, July 29, 2016
Concert for World Youth Day afternoon event- the Mueller Family Schola - a polyphony and chant concert at a beautiful Dominican Church called Kościół Matki Boskiej Śnieżnej -Our Lady of the Snows (featuring Byzantine chant, Gregorian plainsong, the Kontakion, and polyphonic motets by Różycki, Isaac, Lobo, Tartini, Ravanello, Handl, Palestrina, Tallis, Lawrence and Mueller) • Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Evening concert for World Youth Day events- Church of St. John the Baptist (Kościół św. Jana Chrzciciela), Kraków -Mueller Family Schola (featuring Byzantine chant, Gregorian plainsong, the Kontakion, and polyphonic motets by Różycki, Isaac, Lobo, Tartini, Ravanello, Handl, Palestrina, Tallis, Lawrence and Mueller) The audience replied with a Polish song to Mary in order to bless our mission • Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Polyphony and chant concert at Saint Mary Parish in Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola • July 11, 2016
Second youth videoconference, run by youth on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul: connecting young people via our Mustard Seeds program, that they'll promote and pray for the use of polyphony and chant at Mass. (featuring this Byrd motet) • June 29, 2016
Fundraising concert at the Loyola Jesuit Center for Silent Retreats — 5th annual Evening in the Loyola Prayer Gardens, Morristown, NJ: the Mueller Family Schola sings, featuring Byzantine chant, Gregorian plainsong, the Kontakion, and polyphonic motets by Isaac, Lobo, Tartini, Ravanello, Handl, Palestrina, Tallis, Lawrence and Mueller • June 23, 2016
A polyphonic introduction — Family Fair of Saint Mary Parish, Stamford, CT: the Mueller Family Schola and Mueller Children's Trio sings Ravanello and an anonymous Marian piece from 13th century England• June 8, 2016
Concert at Sacred Heart Parish in Suffern, NY, for the Sisters of Life families: the Mueller Family Schola sings works by Isaac, Lobo, Palestrina, Victoria, Tallis and Mueller • June 2, 2016
Concert at the Chapel of Villa Maria Guadalupe in Stamford, CT for the Sisters of Life: the Mueller Family Schola sings works by Isaac, Lobo, Palestrina, Victoria, Tallis and Mueller• May 30, 2016
Fundraising concert at The Covenant Church of Easton, CT: Mueller Family Schola sings polyphony and chant featuring works by Ravanello, • May 20, 2016
Our Kickstarter campaign, to bring polyphony and chant to the Masses of World Youth Day (this summer in Krakow, Poland) is fully funded! We are extremely grateful to 124 donors from 17 countries for their generosity. We'd also like to thank those who promoted our campaign on social media and the internet, including Regina Magazine • Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review • Diana von Glahn at The Faithful Traveler • Leila Lawler at Like Mother, Like Daughter • Paul Chu at the Fairfield County Catholic • May 9, 2016
Launch of Kickstarter campaign to fund the inclusion of chant and polyphony at World Youth Day this summer in Krakow, Poland: Christopher Mueller will conduct multiple Masses and the Mueller Family Schola will give a concert • April 11, 2016
First youth video-conference, run by youth, on the Feast of the Annunciation: connecting young people via our Mustard Seeds program, that they'll promote and pray for the use of polyphony and chant at Mass (featuring this Palestrina motet) • April 4, 2016
Catholic Underground in the Diocese Bridgeport, Our Lady of Guadalupe Concert & Talk: the Ars Mueller Quartet sings, featuring music from the Viceroyalty period of the Cathedral of Mexico, including composersSalazar, Sumaya, and López Capillas, with the support of musicologists Juan Manuel Lara Cárdenas and Bárbara Pérez Ruiz of the Mexican Center for Musical Research, CENIDIM • December 12, 2015