Beauty gives hope.
Our non-profit organization, the St. Michael Foundation for Polyphony & Chant is named after the archangel whose name is a question that shows his glorifying heart, the heart we should all have toward The Lord: For Who Is Like God? That is the name Michael. It was started by a musician and his wife, of ordinary means, and has been blessed with the help of many volunteers and donors. It was on our hearts for more than a decade before we were able to launch. We fundraise in order to help congregations and musicians adore Christ through crowning, reverent music at Mass. Beauty in the air, in the moment, can build Cathedrals in people's hearts, inspire others to glorify and adore Our Lord Jesus in the Eucharist. If we have helped any soul in the pews sing praises from the heart, we are serving as we hope to. "Glorify The Lord with me, let us together exalt His Name!"- Ps 34. We endeavor to bring love for God through this enthroning music by a variety of means. Check out our impact section to learn about our online radio station, youth videoconferences, resources, etc. If you have an initiative you would like us to hear about, to spread or to collaborate on, contact us:
We give thanks to the Lord for our donors
who contribute toward this cause of beauty to glorify Him, who deserves all honor!
Without these gifts, our work would be halted.
There are monthly bills to keep the radio station broadcasting in every county in the U.S.A.
We are deeply grateful to our pro-bono volunteers
for their countless efforts and expertise.
They are listed by project on our websites.
We also give thanks to all who share our work.
Blessings to all and to you!
yearly contributors 2015 to 2021
(not all are ongoing, if you have given once you remain on this list
as we securely keep you in prayer…
listed at their highest level given,
whether as part of a fundraising campaign or for a specific project)
Platinum ($5,000 +)
Agnes Bayer
David & Fanny Moran
Christopher & Constanza Mueller
Michael Vitz
Gold ($1,000 +)
Vito (Stephen & Libby) Giordano
Gregory & Karen Mueller
David & Laura Hayes
Meghan Berry
Jane Reichle
Dan & Annie Schreck
Donna Weiner
Silver ($500 +)
Alyssa & Matt Stachowiach
Bob & Christine Hartenstein
Dwayne & Veronica Boulden
Peter & Amy Kelley
Roberto & Margarita Ucero
Tony Fite
Gerald McGovern
Robert & Jeanine Murphy
Elyse Murphy
Fr. Adaly Rosado
Maura Sullivan
Catherine Windels
Palestrina ($200 +)
Jeffrey & Daniela Mazzone
Francine & Christopher Burtt
Michael & Antoinette Schwenk Cosentino
Indrayana & Marlina Rustandi
Ferdinand Velasco
Thomas Heckel
Gail Pelli
Fr. Dennis Williams
Bart & Jessica Baldwin
Gautam Bastian
Christine Frissora
Mark & Barbara Kaplan
Tony Deshetler
Kathy Jennings
Timothy Lock
Nicole Perez
Julia Sitarz
Victoria ($100 +)
James & Dianne Schiavo
Matthew Yost
Mary Armstrong Bordi
Dr. Joe McAleer
Chris & Michelle Antenucci
Therese O'Brien
Sarah Rodeo
Celia Batan
Elizabeth Belk
Nathan & Amanda Davis
Michael & Mary Beth De Santis
Maximo DeOleo
Helena Dewey
Charlotte Gallagher
John Harvey
Amy Heffernan
Steve & Jane Hubbard
Lita Huryn
David Indyk
Theresa Jean-Baptiste
Leila Marie Lawler
William Mahrt
Nora Malone
Christopher & Emily Mancusi
Peter McFadden
Warren McGee
Liam & Melinda O'Brien
Joo-Ok Saeed
Francis Shanne
Doug & Linda Simms
Carolyn Smith
Andrew & Marie Tallon
Dr. Jeffrey Waxman
Diana Yuan Yuan
Monastic givers ($20 +)
Theodore Doucette
Walter & Peg Rozzi
Scott Rodeo
Jeanne Schindler
Sullivan Maciag
Hillary Ungerer
Theresa Palumbo
Robert Moffitt
Loyd Neve
Diane Mpour
Bryon Herbel
Timothy Hillyer
Mike O’Connell
Zsuzsanna Angeli
Luis Joseph Apa
Arlin Batan
Paul Bennett
Jonah Bergman
Michelle Daniels
Bruce & Niki Flanders
Brad Goodman
Fr. Brian Graebe
Alicia & Pavo James
Peter Kwasniewski
Alessandro Linardi
Kathryn Lopez
Art Bryan Manabat
Kelee Marsh
Jean McKnight
Jim & Fran Morlino
Cristina Napolitano
Marianne Palladino
Carol Petrone
Kati & Peter Serenyi
Karen Stutman
Edward Teixeira
Laura Vanderkam
Peter Walker
Judith Warner
Filumena Weber
Anthony & Jeanne DiProperzio
Mary & Jerry Jacobs
Mary Jopson
Very Rev. Donald Malin
Lorri Wilson
Collette Cherneskie
Joan Pagel and John Holzschuh
Nora Merriam
Rick Bjella
Elizabeth Booth
Michael Chan
Cheryle Fay Clark
Lianne Coble
Jeff Cox
Elizabeth Derham
Mary Dobson
Matthew DuBroy
Elegantly Casual Cuisine
Theresa Falciano
Janine Falgoust
Kristin Gawley
Renee Gosart
Leslie Graves
Vayla Lamara
Norene Lindsay
Michael & Crystal Loffredo Bailey
Beverly Swerling Martin
Grace Melton
Jeanette Murphy
Bridget Nixon
Pat & Ken Thompson
Vazquez Family
Frank & Charyn Watson
Simonette & Stephen Wilder
Francisco Aguirre-Duque Estrada
Karen Anderson
Judy Bell
Jorge Angel Diaz Lopez
Sara Kathryn Giorgis
Jasmine Kuzner
Maureen Leone
Jeanne Martin
Richard Meyer
Kirk Jay Mueller
AJ Nilson
Steven Ogden
Melinda Ortega Loustalot
Maria Piliero
Christine Sarracino
Katie Ryan Sauser
Alessandra Scarpa
Elizabeth Weaver
Seaun Yong Yoon
Carolina Flores
He Li
Rodger & Priscilla McCaffrey
Theresa Palumbo
Gianna Ballon
Francis Bertolini
Joelle Brichard
Karen Bronson
William Andrew Earnest
Shaun Garrison
Gail Greenfield
Bill Jones
LaVon LeGrand
Javier Maldonado
Elizabeth Masebo
Heath Morber
Timothy Schoepke
Riza Yuzawa
Therese Rodriguez
Leila Chandler
Carmen Denia
Michael Denis
Carlos Loya