Beauty heals. Beauty unites.
It has been sheer joy to spread God's Word with beauty though this ministry. Using technology for good! We launched a radio station online: - Listen to the greatest singers: The Monks of Solesmes, Domincans, Cistercians, the Hilliard Ensemble, the Tallis Scholars, and many, many more. Hundreds of recordings are there for anyone to bring this beauty back into hearts and minds. Free apps for iPhone and Android. We pay for royalties on every song. We had 22,846 listeners in the first 5 months of broadcast, with listeners from more than 33 countries: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Mexico, Italy, Romania, Argentina, Congo, Australia, China, Germany, France, Spain, Myanmar, Nigeria, Korea, Lebanon, Poland, Greece, Japan, Singapore, Cote D'Ivoire, and more. We had to cut back to USA only, but are hoping to expand again in the future.
The Word of God has a power all its own. Blessed be The Lord, may His Word light up the world! We are humbly in God's service.
Here are some things we were able to support.
We are very grateful for the opportunity Christopher Mueller had to bring beautiful music to the Convocation of Catholic Leaders USCCB in Orlando! Praise be to God for all His glory eternal! The choir and orchestra comprised of young singers from around the country including some Dominican brothers and Sisters of Life as well as local musicians. They provided music for all the 7 liturgies of the week: 4 Masses, morning prayer and Eucharistic Procession. In attendance were 200 bishops, 300 priests, 180 heads of religious orders, diocesan delegations and many leaders of ministries for the church, a total of 3,000 faithful. May The Lord bless this gathering and its fruits of unity!
Join our celebration and our heartfelt gratitude to all who supported us on our Kickstarter Campaign, where we served 18,000 people at World Youth Day Kraków! We led the music for a week’s worth of daily Masses — reverent liturgies featuring Byzantine chant-based music, Renaissance polyphony, and Gregorian chant. The choir and orchestra was entirely young people. Many of the pilgrims — youth from all over the English-speaking world, as well as priests and families — wore t-shirts announcing their home countries, which included the United Kingdom, England, Scotland, Ireland, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uganda, Canada, USA, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbados, Bahamas, Belize, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, U.S. Virgin Islands, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, Cook Islands, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands and Tonga. Click on this link to see and hear what it was like.
Check out the links below to see what else we’ve been up to — it’s the work of the Holy Spirit, and we are just His willing helpers. Our foundation has successfully completed its first year and in addition to World Youth Day, we've
— reached over one million people through 15 appearances in various media outlets
— provided polyphony and chant at 30 additional Masses and 17 events
— hosted 4 online videoconferences for youth, edited 18 videos, mastered one professional recording, and more.
To see our report, click here and program initiatives, click here.
We are spreading the love of Our Lord at Mass; evangelizing through the gospel of beauty.
Click below for links to each media appearance, video, recording, and more...