Beauty is meaningful.
Legatus Magazzine publishes an article on sacred music mentioning our non-profit St. Michael Foundation for Polyphony & Chant “Reviving the Sleeping Beauty” by Trent Beattie -Nov 2019
Expecting to be on the air for a year or two we were surprised by the rapid growth in numbers of our online radio station, that spread throughout the world without advertising. Today we stopped the broadcast as we reached our listeners' limit. Praise be to God and the angels for the great desire we now have proof is out there. seeks financial support now to relaunch. The thousands of hours of work and investment, we hope can be used at relaunch • May 17, 2018 launches with a website and two free apps for iPhone and Android. We were graced with the help of many volunteers including radio announcers Niki Flanders, Jessica Brown, Ben Wallis and Barbara Kaplan, Isaar Sadr in the release of our apps, Michael Gabriel Mueller in audio files cleanup, Mark Hatzilambrou in technical help during launch and Thaddeus Ruszkowski in website design. • Dec 23, 2017
Facebook #GivingTuesday campaign for the launch of -received the support of 38 donors and 20 sharers • Nov 22, 2017
Ed Mechmann (Archdiocese of New York) publishes a blog post on the power of the music and art at the Convocation of Catholic Leaders The Way of Beauty • July 26, 2017
Christopher Mueller (Corpus Christi Watershed) publishes a piece on the musical offering What really happened at the Convocation of Catholic Leaders • July 25, 2017
Kathryn Jean Lopez (National Review Online) comments on the beautiful liturgical music at the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders- In Orlando, an exhortation to try what has never been tried fully • July 17, 2017
Gretchen R. Crowe (Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly) writes about the authentically Catholic Convocation of Catholic Leaders and the beautiful liturgies The need for more Catholic fellowship and faith formation • July 15, 2017
John L. Allen, Jr. (Crux) writes about Bishop Conley's comments during the Convocation of Catholic Leaders and the beautiful liturgies Lofty rhetoric aside, why the U.S. bishops’ ‘Convocation’ mattered • July 5, 2017
Carol Zimmerman (Catholic News Service) on a piece about the Convocation of Catholic Leaders and Bishop Barron's contribution involving authentic Catholic music and architecture as the way to evangelize Evangelists must fight the "culture of 'meh' " - St. Louis Review • July 5, 2017
Ed Mechmann (Archdiocese of New York) comments on Facebook that the music at the liturgies of the Convocation "was exquisite" • July 4, 2017
EWTN streaming live Mass of Sending: Mission and Going Forth for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL, featuring Gregorian plainsong in Latin, Byzantine-style chant in English, and Renaissance polyphony by la Rue - Christopher Mueller conducts the choir and orchestra, comprising of young singers from around the country and local instrumentalists • July 4, 2017
EWTN streaming live Morning prayer for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL - Christopher Mueller & Catherine Fishlock cantor, employing simple psalm tones • July 4, 2017
EWTN streaming live Fortnight Mass: Witness and Celebration for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL, featuring Gregorian plainsong in Latin, Byzantine-style chant in English, and Renaissance polyphony by de Brito - Christopher Mueller conducts the choir and orchestra, comprising of young singers from around the country and local instrumentalists • July 3, 2017
EWTN streaming live Eucharistic Procession for the Convocation of Catholic Leaders USCCB at the Orange County Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL - Christopher Mueller leads the choir, as the singers spread themselves throughout the processing faithful, utilizing bluetooth earpieces and internet-based conference-call technology to sing together as one • July 3, 2017
EWTN streaming live Sunday Mass: Mercy and Renewal for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL, featuring Gregorian plainsong in Latin, Byzantine-style chant in English, and Renaissance polyphony by Allegri - Christopher Mueller conducts the choir and orchestra, comprising of young singers from around the country and local instrumentalists • July 2, 2017
EWTN streaming live Morning prayer for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL - Christopher Mueller & Catherine Fishlock cantor, employing simple psalm tones • July 2, 2017
EWTN streaming live Opening Mass: Unity, Joy and Discernment for the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL, featuring Gregorian plainsong in Latin, Byzantine-style chant in English, and Renaissance polyphony by Palestrina - Christopher Mueller conducts the choir and orchestra, comprising of young singers from around the country and local instrumentalists • July 1, 2017
Publication of scores in collaboration with Polish Dominicans Inc. Byzantine chant-based music as used by the Polish Dominican province for choir and orchestra in English translation to be used at the Convocation of Catholic Leaders UCCB held at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, Florida • June 27, 2017
Video release on youtube channel: Mueller Family Schola sings Victoria • May 18, 2017
Video release on youtube channel of a concert at World Youth Day in Krakow: Mueller Family Schola sings Lobo • April 17, 2017
Dr. James Monti publishes an article in The Wanderer entitled Sounds Of Hope… Gregorian Chant Conference Celebrates The Beauty Of Truly Sacred Music- positive review Mueller Family Schola at St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers (Dunwoodie) National Conference Gregorian Chant in Pastorial Ministry and Religious Education • April 5, 2017
The Knights of Columbus release a video entitled World Youth Day Krakow a Pilgrimage of Mercy- brief interview of Christopher Mueller responding to a segment of the reverence found at Mass for tens of thousands of pilgrims attributed to the music, minute 21 • April 1, 2017
Fr. David Friel publishes an article in Corpus Christi Watershed Dunwoodie Chant Conference, Review of a Successful Event, - positive review Mueller Family Schola singing Lauds at National Conference Gregorian Chant in Pastorial Ministry and Religious Education • March 15, 2017
Vatican Radio publishes an article Pope Francis calls for renewal of sacred music tradition • March 4, 2017
Regina Magazine publishes an article about The Mueller Family and our foundation entitled They Have a Dream in their Christmas edition • December 2016
Catholic Digest Magazine publishes an article entitled Sacred Music for Both Young and Old -an interview with Christopher Mueller on how to reintroduce chant and polyphony in your local parish - author Trent Beattie • November 2016
Fr. Łukasz Miśko, O.P. publishes an article in Corpus Christi Watershed - What you didn't realize about World Youth Day... giving Christopher Mueller credit as co-director of all weekday Masses at the Arena in Krakow • Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Telemater New York releases video on the Columbus Day Parade - Holy Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City with audio of Mueller Family Schola to be broadcast on Telemater web channel, NET TV in Brooklyn, QPT in Queens, youtube and Facebook page • Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Video release on youtube channel of youth talking about polyphony and chant at Mass • Saturday, October 8, 2016
Telemater New York releases video on the Procession of the Madonna of Pompeii in New York City with audio of Mueller Family Schola to be broadcast on Telemater web channel, NET TV in Brooklyn, QPT in Queens, youtube and Facebook page • Friday, October 7, 2016
Archival recording release on SoundCloud, World Youth Day Krakow, Byzantine chant-based music sung at Mercy Center Tauron Arena - conducted and edited by Christopher Mueller • Saturday, September 10, 2016
Bishop James Conley publishes an article about the liturgies at World Youth Day: Beauty Gives Way to Contemplation in Zenit News and refers to World Youth Day Krakow as a historic moment because of the music at weekday Mass in the Mercy Center - Tauron Arena • Thursday, August 18, 2016
Fr. David Friel publishes an article A Different Kind of World Youth Day in Corpus Christi Watershed commenting on the beauty of the liturgy and Christopher Mueller as co-director, conductor and choirmaster • Sunday, August 7, 2016
The Tennessee Register, the newspaper of the Diocese of Nashville, profiles Christopher Mueller in the article Nashville Native to bring traditional music to World Youth Day • July 15, 2016
Youth page release on our website • June 29, 2016
Catholic singer-songwriter Danielle Rose releases a video in support of polyphony and chant at Mass and wishes us good at World Youth Day Krakow- with her baby in the belly • June 27, 2016
Jerry Usher and Debbie Georgianni interview Christopher Mueller for their "Take 2" program on EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network: the conversation covers music and the Mass, and features recordings of the Ars Mueller ensemble singing music of Jean L'heritier and Tomás Luis de Victoria • May 23, 2016
Video release on youtube channel: Mueller Family Schola • May 23, 2016
Al Kresta interviews Christopher Mueller for his "Kresta in the Afternoon" program on Ave Maria Radio: the conversation covers music and the Mass, and features recordings of the Ars Mueller ensemble singing music of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Hans Leo Hassler • May 12, 2016
Fairfield County Catholic, the newspaper of the Diocese of Bridgeport, features an article on polyphony, plus the work of Christopher Mueller & the Mueller Family Schola at the upcoming World Youth Day • May 4, 2016
Trent Beattie interviews Christopher Mueller as part of an article published by the National Catholic Register entitled, "Rekindling the Multifaceted Marvel of Polyphony and the Timelessness of Sacred Music”: the piece discusses the work of this foundation and the upcoming Masses of World Youth Day • April 13, 2016
Launch of Kickstarter campaign to fund the inclusion of chant and polyphony at World Youth Day this summer in Krakow, Poland: Christopher Mueller will conduct multiple Masses and the Mueller Family Schola will give a concert • April 11, 2016
Video release on youtube channel: Mueller Family Schola • March 31, 2016
Adelaide Mena interviews Christopher Mueller as part of an article published by CNA (Catholic News Agency) entitled, “Why There’s Hope for Catholic Liturgical Music”: the conversation covers how the tradition of sacred music is kept alive by current composers • March 4, 2016
New Twitter account polyphonyandchant@polyphonychant • March 3, 2016
Four video releases on youtube channel: Mueller Family Schola • February 27, 2016
Joe Ott, host of Cause of Our Joy for WACE AM 730 radio, interviews Christopher Mueller: the conversation covers music and the Mass, and features recordings of the Ars Mueller ensemble singing music of John Blow, Clemens non Papa, and Mueller • February 21, 2016
New Facebook page • February 8, 2016
Deal Hudson (Publisher & Editor of The Christian Review, founder of Crisis Magazine, President of the Morley Institute of Church and Culture) interviews Christopher Mueller for Ave Maria Radio: the conversation covers music and the Mass, and features several recordings of the Ars Mueller ensemble singing music of Hassler, Handl, H. Praetorius, Clemens non Papa, and Mueller • February 4, 2016
website release, Feast of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception • December 8, 2015