Beauty inspires prayer.
We strive to serve God, to strengthen the faithful, foster unity in The Church, to support priests, seminarians, religious, musicians and families.
“Glorify the Lord with me! God gave me breath under water. My heartfelt love for Him gets magnified when I am in the pews and polyphony fills the air. Over more than a decade I have heard countless people from around the world confess chant and polyphony at Mass gives a heavenly breath to their soul! God has talented a great number of excellent musicians and singers to fill every local church with beauty. In this era polyphony and chant at Mass can be for everyone. We invite you to join us in moving the beauty giant out of slumber and to bring the experience of sacred music at Mass to the faithful everywhere. We believe beauty will invigorate the faith. “
Constanza, fundraiser
“I discovered this music as a hired organist. It gave me such peace and joy.
I am now becoming Catholic.”
Julia, organist, NH.
"Sacred Renaissance polyphony brings a promise of perfection in the eternal life to come."
Hillary U, teacher, CT
"Gregorian chant was the only remedy to migraines I found."
Catherine F, poet, D.C.
"This music brings such consolation!"
Barbara K, educator, NY
"Singing this music was the only thing that took my pain away as I suffered from a genetic condition."
Lawrence R, musician, D.C.
"Listening to this music used to delight me and to heal my exhausted soul in the city"
Peter Y, Korea
“I’ve been to a lot of big Catholic youth gatherings, nationally and internationally, but I’ve never seen such a huge number of people like this, at World Youth Day, so attentive and reverent during Mass. The daily Mass at Mercy Center Tauron Arena Krakow was breathtakingly beautiful and reverent. I attribute that largely to the music.”
John, seminarian
I am a Hispanic pastor. One of my fellow priests invited a group to sing polyphony and chant for a special feast at our parish. My heart was on fire. After our Eucharistic Procession I told one of the singers: “This is what the church needs! Truly sacred music!”
Fr. G, pastor
“I was brought up Episcopalian, but one day I stepped into a Catholic church that had great polyphony and a wonderful homily. It all came together for me. My conversion happened shortly after, but I attribute it to the music!”
VJ, lawyer
“I invited a group to come sing polyphony and chant at Mass in my parish for a special feast day. Our parishioners are still talking about it, two years later! It made a great impact on their hearts and they remain grateful.”
Fr. W, pastor
“This music elevated the Mass so much! It was better than at the Vatican!”
Bill, business owner, real estate
“The collection is up by more than $1,000 dollars a week since we started offering sacred music at the Mass.”
Fr. R, pastor
"Music is a poetry written in heaven for us to hear and understand our heart and the heart of one another the way it was made by Our Creator, beautifully and purely true."
Gianna, medical researcher
"Vivo en Connecticut, y tuve la grandiosa oportunidad de escuchar esta música tan hermosa en la Misa. La tradición de esta música para las iglesias debería conservarse por siempre."
Gloria, banker
“I am a Catholic singer-songwriter and I support the work of this foundation.”
Danielle, composer, performer
"I come from a Chinese family brought up in NY City. My conversion came when I was attending great Novus Ordo Masses where beautiful music brings reverence to Mass and now I usually go to Latin Mass, the Extraordinary Form."
DY, photographer
“I am just learning about polyphony and chant. It is so inspiring!”
Donna, magazine editor
“I grew up in the Bronx and come from a typical African American family. This music gives me so much peace at heart, it feeds my soul at Mass.”
Juanita, retired teacher
“This music is patrimony of humanity. It advances the value of mankind, the dignity of every person who listens.”
Juan, musicologist
"This beauty at Mass reaches people beyond words."
Colette, nurse
"I felt the music embrace my soul. It has a lasting effect."
Jennifer, psychologist
"This music is a true blessing! You can feel it is what happens in heaven, happening here on earth. We know it is what spiritual beings do, because heaven has spiritual beings not animals! Nowadays there are many people acting as animals but this music shows our ultimate goal."
Veronica, Christian mom
“My parish doesn’t have anything as beautiful! I wish it did. I hear good sacred music only when I travel. The rest of the time I ache for it.”
Lauren, world traveler
“We were helped to start a family schola and we got to sing together for the first time this summer! It was a dream come true!”
Janis, accountant
Beauty is permanent.
“The first time I heard polyphony at Mass was in a Novus Ordo. I had been a faithful Catholic all my life, and my faith had strengthened over time, but it was the music that made me feel closer! It was thrilling to love God through those sounds!”
Jean, teacher and mother
“Little children behave way better when there is polyphony at Mass. They really experience the beauty!”
Annie, young mother
“Praise and worship music brings the youth in, but it doesn’t keep them in! Sacred music brings them closer to God!”
Antoinette, retired doctor
"This music is alive as Scripture is alive to us, because it is a vehicle for Scripture."
Sr. M, religious
“My children always asked that we travel more than an hour to go to the Mass that had polyphony and chant in it. They wanted it more than anything, to experience the sacred.”
Tier, educator
"The recovery of the tradition of sacred music at Mass is one of the best forms of evangelization."
Fr. C, pastor
Please pray with us for beauty to surround Our Lord as a gift from us all, His children, as He does the work of salvation for every soul around the world! May God bless you always! We ask for the protection of the archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael on our every effort. Our mission became public on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 8th, 2015. May she purify our hearts and those of all our collaborators with the intercession also of her beloved husband The Pure St. Joseph. In Jesus Christ, Amen.
Beauty is mercy.