What if I can't sing?
I can adore. I can participate actively with my heart, open to the Word of God, following the liturgical action, being right there for Him in every way.
It is my understanding that the singers in the choir offer their voices to God on our behalf, much as a ghost writer expresses our thoughts on our behalf, or a senator is meant to express our political needs.
I can be in the pews as polyphony and chant soars through the air at Mass, giving Our Lord the highest honor we can…. and feel lifted, in some way, I can feel my heart singing, the voices from the choir loft are a vehicle for me to express my love to God since I am before Him!
At Mass, we are before Our Lord present in the Tabernacle, in the Eucharist, and only He can hear our inner heart giving Him honor! We can raise our hearts to God The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit before Christ, in the Holy Trinity.
He Is Who Is
Theos, The One True God
The Name above all Names
The Eternal
The Transcendent
The Power, The Almighty
The Lord is Peace
Eli, My God
The Lord of Hosts
Eternal Beauty
Abba, Our Father
The Creator
The Lord our Sanctifier
The Lord, the God of Israel
Elohim, Majesty, The King of Kings
Adonai, the Owner, and Master, The Lord of Lords
Eternal Truth
Eternal Goodness
The Lord will Provide
Jesus, God Heals Us
Emmanuel, God With Us
The Eternal Word made Flesh
Light from Light
The Righteous
The Son of God, the Son of Man
The Lamb of God
The Messiah, The Savior
The Christ, the Anointed One
The Bread of Life
The Cornerstone
The Redeemer
The Way, The Truth and the Life
The Gate
The Good Shepherd
The Good Teacher
The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, Who Is to Come
The Holy Spirit
The Consoler
The Defender
The Spirit of the Living God
The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding
The Spirit of Counsel and Might
The Spirit of Knowledge and Fear of the Lord
The Free Spirit
The Spirit of Grace