Our Values
"There is the Music of Heaven in all things and we have forgotten how to hear it until we sing." Hildegard von Bingen
Polyphony is as a precious stone set by a great jeweler given as a gift to reflect the love we have for Our God, Worthy of all beauty!
Beauty awakens the soul.
Polyphony opens hearts to the angelic presence at Mass. Angels in turn open hearts to Our Lord's Presence!
Beauty makes us stay.
Beauty makes us come back.
Beauty opens doors to heaven.
Beauty feeds a starving soul.
Polyphony and chant proclaim The Word of God with beauty to reach souls, blessings hearts beyond music, dance and culture.
Beauty is for keeps.
Beauty energizes communities.
Beauty reaches people without words.
Protect beauty!
An encounter with beauty is life-changing.
We must prepare ourselves to face God, Who Is Everlasting Beauty.
Beauty is of God!
We are meant to keep near Beauty.
Humility is the hallmark of sacred music --while striving to honor God, Who Is, Perfection and Beauty.
There is no leader in sacred polyphony: our voices have equal weight with those silent in the pews. We sing as a people to God and embrace His Word in our hearts!
There is no leader in Gregorian chant. We sing always sotto voce together: to reach beyond our voices and offer our hearts embracing God's Word!
Beauty conquers hearts.
Beauty brings souls closer to God.
Beauty is generous.
Beauty is abundant.
Beauty invites love.
Beauty is abundance.
Beauty sparks faith.
Beauty celebrates others.
Beauty conquers.
Beauty is fraternity.
Beauty celebrates.
Beauty is love.
Beauty is immediate love.
Beauty is immediate relationship of love
Beauty is alive.
Beauty rescues us.
Beauty shows universal brotherhood.
Beauty shows generosity.
Beauty is mercy.
Beauty is permanent.
Beauty unites.
Beauty honors.
Beauty is meaningful.
Beauty reaches every soul.
Beauty magnifies love.
Beauty is everyone's eternal home.
Beauty changes our being.
Beauty heals the hearts of the faithful.
Beauty brings surrender.
Beauty reveals The Comforter, The Holy Spirit.
Beauty reveals The Deliverer, Christ Jesus.
Beauty reveals The King of Kings.
Beauty reveals The Son of God.
Beauty reveals God's Eternal Life.
Polyphony rests the soul.
Polyphony is universal.
Polyphony is for everyone.
Polyphony is not only for the rich.
Polyphony is a good.
Polyphony goes to heaven with us.
Polyphony lifts us up.
Polyphony doesn't wait.
Polyphony begs down grace from above.
Polyphony enthralls.
Polyphony is the Cathedral's stones crying out.
Polyphony reveals.
Polyphony reveals the Holy Spirit.
Polyphony reveals The Invincible YHWH.
Polyphony reveals the Ineffable Mercy of God.
Polyphony reveals The Loving Jesus.
Polyphony models obedience to God.
Surrender to God follows an experience of beauty.
Polyphony is always new.
Beauty is always new.
Polyphony and chant are set apart with beauty and The Word.
Polyphony connects me to God.
Polyphony lift my prayer in the pews to God.
Polyphony is an act of obedience and love.
Polyphony and chant bring consolation.
Beauty strengthens the faith.
The Mass gives breath to sacred music.
Polyphony makes me pray.
Beauty unites.
Beauty gives hope.
Polyphony shows the greatness of The Lord.
Polyphony is an act of love.
The effort of polyphony shows love and fear of The Lord.
The effort of polyphony is a caretaker's effort.
Polyphony is a good steward of The Word of God.
Polyphony invites the angelic choir.
Polyphony reflects the angelic choir.
Polyphony reflects eternal life.
Polyphony is a bell, ringing praises to God!
Polyphony serves God's Word.
Polyphony converts hearts.
Polyphony calls for our faith in the Lord!
Polyphony calls for faith in God!
Polyphony calls on The Lord!
Polyphony is a steward of grace.
Polyphony is a steward of love.
Polyphony brings God's word directly to the soul.
Polyphony embodies Catholic doctrine.
Polyphony explains Catholic doctrine.
Polyphony rings Catholic doctrine in the soul.
Polyphony is used outside the Mass to call an event Catholic.
Polyphony speaks Catholicism.
Polyphony sung regularly at Mass rings true the beauty and consolation of the entire corpus of Catholic doctrine.
Polyphony is the sung Word of God.
Polyphony brings heaven to us.
Polyphony stands taller than a Cathedral.
Polyphony shows God is here.
Polyphony is as robust as a Cathedral.
Polyphony is stronger than steel.
Polyphony connects us to heaven.
Polyphony and chant show God is present.
Polyphony unites.
Polyphony heals.
Polyphony inspires.
Polyphony proclaims God.
Polyphony opens our hearts to God's love and magnificence.
Polyphony opens our soul to God's Sacred Heart.
Polyphony is a Jacob's ladder- bringing angels with God's grace to us and carrying our prayers to God.
Polyphony is a Jacob's ladder.
Polyphony increases our communication with God.
Polyphony lifts souls away from entertainment and suffering into a spiritual reality.
Polyphony brings together the human family.
Polyphony helps increase desire for God.
Polyphony unites hearts in honor of Our Savior.
Polyphony is timeless beauty.
Beauty fosters faith.
We are always told polyphony at Mass sounds as if the angels were singing with us. Perhaps they are.
(continue below the image of La Casa Santa, The House of the Incarnation)