We give thanks for our donor/members who have contributed toward this cause of beauty to glorify God.

Without their gifts, our work would be halted. Please join your donation to theirs!

Platinum ($5,000 +)

Agnes Bayer

David & Fanny Moran

Christopher & Constanza Mueller

Gold ($1,000 +)

Steven & Libby Giordano

Dan & Annie Schreck

Peter & Amy Kelley

Dwayne & Veronica Boulden

Greg & Karen Mueller

Matthew & Alyssa Stachowiak

Jonathan & Meghan Berry

Silver ($500 +)

Tony Fite 

Rob & Jeannine Murphy

Jeffrey & Danielle Mazzone

Palestrina ($200 +)

Michael & Antoinette Schwenk Cosentino

Chris & Michelle Antenucci

Christopher & Francine Burtt

Victoria ($100 +)

Dianne Schiavo

Monastic givers ($20 +)

Hillary Ungerer

Jeanne Schindler

Theodore Doucette

Mark & Barbara Kaplan