Beauty is for everyone.
If it is in your heart to help beautify the liturgy around the world, you share our mission! Donations are tax exempt, and will help us bring polyphony & chant for free to parishes, schools and seminaries by invitation, to do outreach and to cover our operating costs. Note: we are in the process of changing our name to St. Michael Foundation for Polyphony & Chant, in honor of the archangel whose very name is a question glorifying God as we all can do when we sing before Him, "For Who Is Like God?"
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Donations can be a one time gift or monthly amounts. If you have difficulty utilizing either button above, have general questions, or would like to use some other method for your donation, such as a check, please complete the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
1 There is but One God
2 Jesus’ two natures: human and Divine
3 The Holy Trinity
4 Rivers of the Garden of Eden/ Evangelists
7 God’s covenant number/ The day of the Sabbath
12 The tribes of Israel
40 Days Jesus spent preparing for His Passion in the desert/ Years the Jewish people roamed in the desert
100 Fruit rising from those who hear The Word and accept it, giving the most yield
153 Large fishes that did not break the net, caught by following Jesus' instructions
490 Times Jesus asks us to forgive our neighbor (seventy times seven)
4,000 Families Jesus fed with seven loaves of bread and a few fish
5,000 Families Jesus fed with five loaves of bread and two fish
144,000 Saints before God’s Throne in Revelation
or another divine number
372 Wounds Jesus received by flagrum at the pillar: evidenced on the Holy Shroud